Keynote Speakers
Each day of the ECBS-EERC 2009 Conference will begin with a Keynote address.

"Creating Systems: Experience, Anecdote and Metaphor"
Dr. Byron Purves, ECBS TC Chairman
One of the most challenging tasks we humans can undertake is to build systems that do what we intend without messing up anything else. This means that system engineers must have... read more
"Autonomous and Autonomic Systems:
Paradigm for Engineering Effective Computer-Based Systems"
Roy Sterritt, Lecturer in Informatics, University of Ulster
This talk reports on research and development, with examples from Biometric Identification and Tracking Systems, Autonomic Communications, and Space Exploration Systems, utilizing... read more
"Programming the 'Cloud-in-a-Can':
From Paintable Computing to Scale-free Architectures"
William Butera, Senior Research Scientist, MERL
Could wafer-scale massive parallelism be the next breakthrough in enterprise architectures? On the HW side we posit a mesh of one million RISC cores covering a single 12" wafer, delivering... read more